Owners of small businesses often commit a lot of their time and resources to running their companies. Their entire family may reap the benefits of those efforts in the form of an improved standard of living compared with other households. A successful small business...
Divorce And Dissolution
How Might A Prenuptial Agreement Benefit Me And My Future Spouse?
Partners do not enter a marriage expecting it to end in divorce. And ideally, the marriage will endure. That said, no one can predict the future, and we know the statistics. In the event the marriage ends, untangling the marital finances can be stressful, complicated...
Will My Spouse Get Part Of My Retirement Fund In A Divorce?
In most cases, the assets you accrue from the date you are married forward become “marital” assets. A divorce will require you to separate and divide your marital assets. If you or your spouse has a retirement asset, such as a 401(k) or a pension, this asset will need...
How Might A Divorce Affect Your Tax Bill?
If you’re going through a divorce, you may feel that you have a lot on your plate and worrying about your taxes can be an added stressor. The impact of a divorce on your taxes is a very common concern. If you are mindful and purposeful about tax-related issues as part...
Young And Divorcing? How You Can Prepare
We all know that divorcing after decades of marriage brings many challenges. However, so can divorcing after just a few years of marriage. A relatively short marriage does not necessarily equate to an easy divorce. If you are in your 20’s or 30’s and are getting...
On The Fence About Prenuptial Agreements? 4 Things To Consider
If you are planning to get married, you or your partner may very well be thinking about a Prenuptial Agreement. These contracts have gained popularity in recent years, thanks in part to later-in-life marriages, relaxed stances on divorce, and the fact that many people...
Going through a divorce or custody dispute? Practice self-care
Family legal matters, including divorce, dissolution, the Collaborative Process, and disputes over child custody, can take a tremendous toll on those involved. Between the lifestyle changes and procedural complexities, it is understandable that a person would feel...
Facing and solving financial challenges after divorce
One of the biggest issues spouses worry about when they decide to end their marriage is how they are going to move forward financially. There is not a guarantee for both spouses to have financially dependable jobs after they break up. Some even gave up their jobs...
What to do with the house when you terminate your marriage
Terminating your marriage forces you to make several decisions that will affect your life for years to come. If you and your spouse own your home, one of these important decisions is what your and your spouse will do with any real property, meaning a house or other...
Financial measures to take (and avoid) before divorce
We are living in challenging times right now. And stressful situations like illness, job loss and stay-at-home orders have put people in a position to confront some painful realities. For some married couples, this includes the breakdown of their marriage. If you are...